Conferences before 2016

HUMAN, the movie by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

What makes us HUMAN? Have you ever asked yourself this question?

9 Feb 2016

Through Human, Yann Arthus-Bertrand offers us an immersion to the core of what it means to be human in order to embrace the human condition and reflect upon our inherent diversity. Through these stories full of happiness, hope, love, as well as hatred and violence, HUMAN bring us face to face with the Other, making us reflect on our lives. Wars, Terrorism, LGBT issues, the meaning of life, death, love, sex and other subjects are addressed in this movie by people from all around the world, sharing a rare sincerity. The movie is a great opportunity to underline our dark side but also what is most noble in us, and what is universal.

Copenhagen Engaging Diversity as a Vector for Change on October 12, 2015

There is increased awareness of the importance of diversity in our daily reality in business and in education. Organizations are developing best practices to address diversity issues not only to reduce discrimination in the workplace but to promote inclusion and innovation. We need to look at the impact of these practices on the social environment, and how they are contributed to changes in perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. To kick-off the lunchtime conferences of the Semaine d’Engagement, we invited Chea Lun, Director of Solidarity Sourcing at L’Oréal, and Pascal Picq, a paleoanthropologist at the College de France, to join us to share their thoughts on diversity and driving change.

Semaine Handicap et Talent, in March 2015

During the first week of March 2015, the leadership and diversity chair, in collaboration with Handi-Move and ESSEClive, organized workshops and testimonials to raise awareness about “Handicap and Talent”. The workshops allowed students to discover the world of disability in an interactive and instructive way. Cabinet Ability presented a workshop on how to include Handicap in the workplace. The week ended with a testimony held by Josef Schovanec, an autistic philosopher, and author of « Je suis à l’Est ».

"Face Cachée Seminar Series", in December 2014

Chair professor, Junko Takagi, was invited to talk about the "Face Cachée Seminar Series" organized by the Edgar Morin Complexity Chair in December 2014. She discussed the Complex identity issues experienced by multicultural and how these complexities embody both opportunities and challenges for multiculturalism in the workplace.

Diversité trophies on October 9, 2014

Since 2006, the consulting firm RH Diversity Conseil has been organizing the Diversité® trophies, which reward companies that embrace diversity at the heart of their growth, their HR issues and their managerial mode. The jury, which will again be attended by Professor Junko Takagi, will nominate the 8 winners at the ceremony held on Thursday, October 9, 2014.

More info.

Conference: "What future for education?" on June 16, 2014

Campus ESSEC Management Education, CNIT, La Défense

An unprecedented conference organized by One Young World and the Leadership & Diversity Chair: Microsoft, Our Neighborhoods have the Talent and the Institute of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship of ESSEC will interact to exchange their vision of the education of tomorrow. Register here.

"WHO AM I AS A LEADER? Leadership in stories"

March 19th, 2014

ESSEC Campus in Cergy, F36

The Leadership & Diversity Chair is organizing a Leadership Workshop run by Judith Black who is a professional storyteller in the U.S. ( She also works with organizations through storytelling. She is visiting France in March and we have taken the opportunity to bring her in!

Semaine et Label Handi-capacités 10-14 March 2014

The Chair supported the ESSEC Handi-Capabilities Week that took place from March 10 to 14 on the ESSEC Campus in Cergy. The week was a great success with 86 ESSEC students validating and receiving the Handi-Capacité certificate.